Oto Zono

Upcoming show in NYC

Hey folks, I have a show coming up this weekend -- Sunday, December 1 -- in NYC. This will be the second night of a two-night festival of electroacoustic music called Oto Zono.

Here's a link to more info, including the timetable and links for getting tickets: https://www.harvestworks.org/nov-30-and-dec-1-%E9%9F%B3%E5%9C%92%E3%80%80oto-zono/

I also have a couple of shows the following weekend in Columbus and Ithaca, but I'll make a separate post for those closer to the dates.

Here's the poster:

Post for Oto Zono

And here’s the timetable:

Oto Zono TImetable

If you’re in the area, it would be great to see you!